I blame it on WWII.

WWII duty stationed my parents in Colorado (Army and WAC) and my Dads' sister's husbands to Jacksonville, FL (career USMC and Navy). My Dad's folks left Philadelphia to keep their daughters company in Florida while their husbands were deployed in the Pacific. In 1955, Dad and (pregnant) Mom decided to visit the family in Florida for a while. A few months later, I arrived. With babysitters galore, they decided to sell off their Colorado property and move here. Before long, my Mom's parents came down from Minnesota.

As I got older, the beach kept me close, then jobs to support my habits.

Ironically, my folks took off to the mountains of North Carolina and I'm the only one left in Florida now. The wife's family is also in NC, so we've thought about relocating a few times, but it's more fun to visit whenever we feel like it and then come "home".