Ohhhhh Saturday was a black day for me.

I got hit by a cager coming out of a junction. What made things worse was I saw her looking in my direction and I even moved into a more defensive road position, nearly was able to get out of the way but she got me square on.

I would have said she couldn't have done it much better even if she wanted to hit me but I took the bumper off her car and put a nice Graham sized dent in the bonnet (hood to our USA cousins).
I have no idea on the state of the bike as I was whining like a B**ch on the floor and couldn't stand up to see what had been done to it.
Well I had a lucky escape, no broken bones but my left ankle has got some major swelling and looks like I've torn the ligaments, if not seriously bruised them. Having said that I did end up going for a busmans holiday in an ambulance.
I don't know what was worse, having some junior Dr at the hospital poking my ankle or ringing Sandy up in the USA to tell her about my exploits.

Anyhow I'm onto the insurance folks and they are going to send an assessor out to work out if it's repairable.
One thing I have noticed though - I think I need to get fitter to use crutches as they are killing me at the moment.