Good for you

Like many others, I played trombone in high school concert, marching, jazzzzzz band.......ahhhhh a few years ago. Jazz was my favourite because it had a soul.
Being a simple-minded country boy, I stumbled onto the Jim Liban & Short Stuff blues band in 1974. The style rocked my sheltered existance. So I picked up a Hohner blues harp, and eventually about 9 more.
On and off since when the mood grabs me, I've played an album or cassette or CD of Etta James, Coco Montoya, Roomful of Blues, Robert Cray, Delbert McClinton and perform as a visiting artist. Under delusions, I figured if I could match James Cotton note for every other note..........???? Mind you it was all personal satisfaction, but the dogs I've had seem to dig it

. For awhile when I thought I was OK I'd leave the window open

I was never good at reading music and am worse at following directions, so I'd just say find a style that get "the juices flowing" and go for it.