Okay Friar, allow me to explain this to the newbie here one more time, if you will...
Jason, now listen up here, "Maggot"

. The Gunny Sgt Geico commercial IS very funny, and it's been one of my favorite commercials since it first hit the airwaves a month or so ago.
I think the "controversy" here might stem from the idea that your intent seems to be to get people riled up about what you yourself keep pushin' into this thread about the "pussification of America", which I will almost guarantee you WILL bring about a few of our members here to want to start pontificating their opinions about why they think there IS a "pussification" afoot in this country and will VERY likely turn this thread "political" in nature.
Ya see, I'm guessin' if you just would've titled this thread somethin' like, say, "This commercial is hilarious", and then not attempted to push, poke and prod the idea later that this commercial says exactly what is "wrong with american society today", THEN nobody would have attempted to label you as a "troll".
(but don't worry, you'll get the hang of this place eventually...ya see, it's often folks who've been around here a long long time who know how "the game is played" around these parts...people like Friar John, me and moe...well okay, moe USUALLY does anyway!...sorry moe, I couldn't resist that one!!!)