Well, my 2nd trip to the Dent meet. Members must have enjoyed my write up of my 1st visit to the meet as I have been asked to do one again. . So here we are.
Headed off up north in nice warm bright sunshine . But as the miles past .So the sky was getting darker and full of clouds Yippee I'm off to Dent
Got to the meeting point at Lancaster services early. New I was at the right place as it had started to rain 5min earlier. Met up with some old and new members,then off to the local lay-by /toilets to meet more members and a cup of tea and roll. Then to a “dry” devils bridge. More members come and we are off to the camp-site down through the valley and the sheep .Which is one of the best rides of the trip . Set up the tent again with some help. Tent not been out of bag since last year. Good to see Chris has to put his up as well with us this year.

More members arrive after waiting at the devils bridge with the correct meeting time. Think we thought. Lets get the tents up while its dry.

Saw a couple of tents in the corner with no bikes. We are trying to work out if members or not. Turns out later to be 2 guys walkers who were a bit strange.(Although Bet they thought we were.) They came back after we had all gone to the pub and they had thought they had been surrounded by a bunch of Hells Angels
Off to the pub ( still Dry) for some liquid and food. Some members struggled with the 18 inch Cumberland sausage. The Pub dog did well. On to next pub for the ale and pool table. A great evening spent by all. Checking the music in the jukebox and members trying hard to beat one another at poll. .Ben and I showed them how to make a game last (by being crap).Local lads had a winners cup for some event filling it with various drinks. No need to say some members tried to find out what they were be sampling it. Those who did you could tell in the morning by looking at them.
Cold wet windy night. Yep I'm in dent, Didn't upgrade enough Gear. Brought a pump up bed and pillows. But tecso's £7.50 sleeping will have to GO

. Morning comes and rain stops. Off to the back of the pub for Bacon/egg and I think some of the left over sausages from last night. Back to camp site watching Real camping members doing breakfast on gas stoves . Hearing Paul asking if the posh pouched eggs are ready yet.
Thought it a bit off when I saw a member post this before the trip .

There are a few villages over here that are going to be missing their idiots this weekend
BUT then I met one of them . He wanted to get some Shaving lube. Thought save him buying some I would let him use mine. Offered it to him in the morning and with the help of an interpreter found out it was chain lube he wanted . As you will see in a photo he still used it on both. Later at a petrol station I saw him going through all the dustbins and finding a used Bottle of oil which he spent 10mins waiting for the oil to dribble out on his chain. Half excepted him to rub some on his chin.

14 members head of for a ride all wearing waterproofs hoping they will not be needed.. Up to the peaks and that great ride down through the struggle into amble side. All parked up in the high street and put the local parking disc on the bikes. Which made us all look like disabled bikers. Fish and chips in the paper. Tho some still liked dotty's café. Quite a lot of other bike groups about .Seem mainly to be trumpets
Off to the Ferry across lake Windermere. Some how we get split in two. I'm in the front half, waiting at the ferry (still Dry). We hear some bikes coming doesn't quite sound like trumpets . 5/6 dirt bikes come round the bend .One is towing another with a rope to his foot rest no no . One members is excited never been on a ferry with his bike before. Looking for the duty frees ha ha . After a few phone calls we wait on the other side for rest of the members get to the ferry and join up. Off back round the lake to devils bridge . A group of Thunderbirds go past other way. I'm looking to see if ray has about turned and gone with them ha ha ( for those who don't Know rays got a lovely 1700 T bird)
Back at camp site A couple of barbies are on the go Talking of bikes and stories. Windy but still Dry.
Back to the pub for awards, pool and Ale. A special member turns up From Canada Via Scotland Celt. Plenty of handshakes and back slapping goes on . The presentations are done for the best custom/bike and furthest travelled. A discussion was had about changing the venue to Blackpool .But most seemed to want it to stay at dent . Also weather to have the plaques due to the costs . But most people felt that they would be happy to pay more for the camping/plaques than at present as an increase will still make it very good value for money. Also everyone gave there heartfelt appreciation for all the work that Ray and Bonnie do to make it a great weekend for all.
A T-bird rider arrives ( Ivan ) Takes on the raining TBA/speedy pool players and beats them. May be this is why he upgrade ha ha . I decided to have a laugh and say that jedwood had won the Euro song contest . Big cheer went up from these heavy metal head banging bikers. The ale is flowing well.

Back to camp-site cold wet windy night again . Woke to the rain . Members packing up, saying there goodbyes and setting of home. Breakfast at the pub again and in-between the rain packed up my gear. This year had a rocket escort me to the motorway. Which meant I didn't get lost and got home a couple of hours early. Cheers Paul. Headed of down south in the rain looking at the horizon for the clear sunning sky's . After a while did stop raining but cloudy all the way home. Had a great time again at this year meet. Some old members and quite a few new ones .Reckon we can call this a DRY Dent meet. Once again I found it a very friendly and welcoming meet and really look forward to next years .So if you fancy a great weekend and don't mind roughing it a bit with the camping(which is part of the fun) come next year. Thanks everybody. All The Best Geoff