I took the bike out for a short test today; weather conditions were not ideal, it was damp with gusting winds & temps in the high 40's F.

The NBZT pulls great in the midrange and provides an improved transition at WOT. quarter-throttle up to WOT it performs better than the N3RF, at least in my bike, with current tuning.

All is not optimal, however, as the NBZT cruises a bit richer than the N3RF does. And the N3RF was already richer than what I want it to be a cruise for max MPG.

Which brings me back to the pilot jets. The NBZT's don't work and play as well with the 48 pilots. Hmmm. What to do, what to do...

Ah-HA!!! I know where I'm going next. Gotta custom drill those pilots to something larger than a 45 & smaller than a 48.

The thing is I probably never would have tried the 48 pilots but for the G-Pop baffles, I would not have drilled the throttle plate air bleed holes larger but for the 48 pilots, & would not have gone back to the NBZT's but for the 48 pilots & larger air bleed holes. Ironic, eh?

So, where things are now; the mid & full throttle are now pretty well dialed in - the cruise is still richer than what I want for max cruise efficiency.

So, for my next project, I'll custom drill some 46 - 47 size pilot jets, if I can. Right back where I was in Nov 2011 with Ian's suggestion