Thanks for the warning. I noticed you've placed the bracket seating on the mounts up(??) or out(??) as far a it will go. Since I already suffer from "dimple-itis," (due to the narrow steering limitig tab) I placed a couple of those small silicone dots on the triple tree or thereabouts, and that provides the protection I need.
What a difference. I can now hear every little sound the bike makes, and my ears have stopped ringing. I did two "Iron Butts" w/o the screen, and it doesn't fel like an elephant is sitting on my chest for hours at a time.
My only concern now is that with the right allen wrench in the worng hands, I could lose the screen in about 30 seconds. HEY BRETT - maybe someone needs to make a custom wrench and set of bolts, like they do for lug nuts.