Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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Checked out the Memphis shades including the Memphis Fats but they didn't have any listing for a Triumph. Also my Triumph dealer will not take back the summer screen they just put on - bummer. I think my best bet is finding a replacement shield that fits the summer screen mount. Clearview Shields makes them for the Bonneville SS but not the America. They're hoping to see an America with the SS to finalize plans.
2005 America, 904cc - sold. 2014 Trophy SE.
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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Bummer! BTW, the Memphis shades mounting kit to fit the BA is #MEM9907 (for Suzuki maurader/C50T). It also fits the BA. I had no problems installing it, along with the 21" Fats sheild. Great quality, the shield is very very nice , very clear and distortion free. The MShades folks really make a nice product! You may find that the price for this kit is equal too or less than a replacement Clearview (if ever avail). Good luck.
04 BA,TBike pipes,AI,FREAK-150 mains,TBS,42 pilot, 3 turns,\progressive fr and rr shocks, 18T,and lotsa chrome
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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Thanks, I'll check out the Fats shield. I've been in touch with Clearview and when they have the SS replacements available for the BA I'll post it on this forum. I do like the SS mounts in that they are a little more sporty in appearance and less Harley-like. I have come to the conclusion that I want a screen but it must be high enough to deflect the air above my face. The Triumph dealer should have told me that at 6' tall the SS might not be appropriate. If I can get the Clearview, I might could sell someone (that might need a replacement) my Triumph one.
2005 America, 904cc - sold. 2014 Trophy SE.
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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Burtek, I too am 6'4"and am trying to find a decent screen that will protect most of me and allow me to see over the screen. I need it for my 03 SM. Where did you get yours and for what bike?
Triumphs turn more heads!
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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I'm looking at getting a screen for my speedy and have a question I'm sure most of you will have already encountered.. Some screens come with either a 7" or 9" cutout for the headlight..
Ok, I give up, which one did you use? I guess my confusion comes from the fact that the light itself is 7" but the housing adds about another inch, making it 8" across. Does the 7" cutout work, or do you need to go with a 9" for the xtra room?
Last edited by MrUnix; 11/05/2005 4:23 AM.
To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid.
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen *DELETED* *DELETED*
Post deleted by bonnyusa
Last edited by bonnyusa; 11/08/2005 2:07 PM.
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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3/4 Throttle
3/4 Throttle
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Thanks Phil.. I'm glad I checked as I was looking at a couple of screens on e-bay that had 7" cutouts. Would have kicked myself if I picked one up only to find out it wouldn't fit  Cheers, Brad
To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid.
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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OK, I got a roadster screen with my new Speedmaster. After putting it on, it feels like someone is shaking my head and rattling the face sheild on my helmet. I assume this is the buffeting others mention.
This seems to come from the stream of air blowing over the top of the screen, rather than up from below. But, hard to be certain.
What's the best option? Switch screens? Replace just the screen with one of the larger clearview's? Add the lowers? Add the laminar lip? I'll order a headlight visor, since I think they look good anyway, but I'm dubious that will have much effect.
Thanks, Jon
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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It is most definitely the air coming over the top. You didn't mention how tall you are, but you probably need a taller screen. None of the Triumph screens work well for riders 6' or more. ClearView just started making a replacement for the TA/SM Roadster Screen in a couple of sizes. Ideally, you should just be able to see over the top. The replacements fit right on the existing mounting brackets. I had the exact problem with the Summer Screen. The air off the top hits me right in the eyes (I'm 6') and shakes my head and helmet badly over 60 mph. The Summer Screen is a different angle than the Roadster Screen and is 13" tall. I'm waiting for ClearView to make a Summer Screen replacement (available shortly I hope) that is at least 17" tall (above the headlight). You can contact them at ClearViewShields.com.
2005 America, 904cc - sold. 2014 Trophy SE.
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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i had the same problemw ith the roadster windshield. got memphis lowers and i am good up to about 80-85 mph then i get the slightest buffeting not even worth noting. lowers should take care of it
(Former)05 BA tbike pipes, ai removed, Freak, mikuni hsr 42's, 904, ported/polished head, 1mm oversized valves
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 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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The black rubber edge that is shipped with the screen does diminish the buffeting somewhat. Try it first. Some other threads have discussed the cons of this but the cons are minor. The trim goes from the bottom of one side, all the way round the top, to the bottom on the other side. No glue needed. Also, if your full-face helmet has a chin cover, try that too. What? Well while you are riding, take your left hand and place it under your chin. The buffeting will lessen. I really notice the buffeting at speeds in excess of 75 mph. When rolling close to a ton, I’ll duck behind the screen and put on my best old lady that can barely see over the steering wheel face!
Blowing gravel off rural roads
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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Thanks for the advice. I'm 5'11" tall, and the top of the stock roadster screen sets about 5" below my horizontal sight line. I think my helmet, a Z1R, may be a bit thicker than most. It doesn't have a chin cover. I'll try putting the rubber edge on. I did try putting my left arm in front of my face and it didn't have much effect. I'll try the more specific test suggested.
How is it the lowers affect the airflow coming off the top of the screen?
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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the thing is the air feels liek it is comeing from the top but is actually coming up from the bottom. i had the same problem you described and the lowers cured it
(Former)05 BA tbike pipes, ai removed, Freak, mikuni hsr 42's, 904, ported/polished head, 1mm oversized valves
NOW-2010 silver and black tbird
 Re: Screens (Windshields)- summer screen
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In my case the head shaking problem was definitely coming off the top not the bottom. The rubber strip made it worse, it may have deflected the stream a bit, but what hit my head was more buffeted. I couldn't read a sign over 60. While riding, I can put my left hand right at the top of the screen and feel the increased stream of air coming right toward my face. If this is the case with yours, lowers are not going to help. Only a taller screen will move the increased airflow over your head.
2005 America, 904cc - sold. 2014 Trophy SE.