Sorry about the bad language but you mite understand why!!
So much for my earlier post of a slight weep from the top end of a America. Ha! yea rite.
My Bike still off the road.....
From a mechanic telling me Triumph bikes dont leak go away and clean the oil off cos it must have been spilled when serviced!!To um err its a cylinder head replacement, aaaaand cos its out of warranty its an expensive job ££££. Oh and the main Triumph guy is on holiday till next Monday I only sell Suzi's. Cant help!
Triumph in Carlisle thanks! Thats after taking it over last Tuesday. I had to ring them to ask wotthehell was going on!
been back twice to get that news. 3k on the clock pampered toy only out in fine weather sorry chaps Im not impressed. I have had old J*P bangers with zillions on the clock thrashed to death and never a cycl head replaced Time to get rid??
Come on convince me otherwise.
I have had to go to Triumph direct and have a real ****** and threaten to get them to at least think about helping me out the warranty ran out end of April! The fine print says you have to get any servicing work at a Triumph dealer?? Eh
thought that law went out ages ago, it doesnt apply to cars!! anyone else had similar dealings??? They asked for photo proof from the dealer EH?? And as the dealer did not respond binned the request! Rang dealer who said thats wot the always do blame the balls in whose court?hang on a min is their a recession on? are you not supposed to look after the customer?? jobs, money, good will etc,etc....or am i a bit naive?
So knackered for Dent unless I can take me car.......fecks sake. I even bought the bldy t Shirts!
very pssd off
Mike & Sarah