
Even though the Victory is an American bike, most Harley riders don't think much more of them than the Japanese V-twins. Fortunately, most of them look at Triumph as something altogether different even if they are not interested in owning one. I guess they accept that both Indian and Triumph were around before Harley and have their own heritage.

We just got a new plant manager and he came in on a Victory Vision. Funny to watch the HD guys (probably 30 of them) as they try to come to grips with it. The "brand" riders ignore anything other than HD, but the "bike" riders check out everything!

Just the other day I mentioned that I'd stopped by Tilley's in NC and a co-worker started showing me all his swag from every dealer he'd been to in North & South America and Europe. It confused him when I asked if he preferred the brand or the bike. The old guys just nodded.