I used Pats jetting calc to get jet sizes.. it states that TORs and a UNI .45 pilots and 119 mains.. I am actually running on 120 mians, 45 pilots with one shim. so in theory RICH
You might want to recheck that. I just ran your set up on Pat's calculator and it stated that with Stock TORS and all snorkels removed you should be at 126.5 on the mains with 42 pilots. If you have a 45 pilots go with 125.5 mains.
You have the Short TORS. Are they heavily baffled or straight through type. The less restrictive TORS call for 130 to 134 mains depending on your pilots and degree of restriction in your exhaust. I think your mains might be a little lean.
12 Rocket Roadster 03 Bonneville America 69 BSA Firebird Scrambler 73 Yamaha TX 750