Quick bacground of the issue so far...
Changed plugs a while back and have been running on a 120 main, 45 pilot, 3 turns out, short TORs and Uni filter all rubbers and baffles in airbox removed.
Bike has been running stunningly until now

Went for a ride, filled up at a different petrol (gas) station to normal (might be a red herring!) and rode home... after 15 minutes of riding stopped at some lights and as I went to pull away got a hiccup through the carbs a small misfire and away we went, running along fine at over 15mph.
The hiccup and mis fire got worse as we travelled but only at pull off...
Got home and my first thought was crap in the fuel, so dropped the carbs, emptied cleaned and re fitted same problem.
took carbs off again, removed all pilots mains and anything else I could and gave a thorough clean, refitted went for a ride same problem.
Carbs off again and this time I spotted a pin hole in the diaphragm... ahaaaa says I .. gotcha!! WRONG
Bought new slide and diaphragm and put it all back together and went for a ride.. same problem!
I am now on my 5th carb stripdown, just put the carbs back on and fired it up.. tickover is fine, revving is fine, but from tickover to WOT there is a SINGLE pop back through the carbs, I can feel the pop about 4 foot away from the airbox...
So, any gurus out there can help a NEEDY biker... its been suggested that the shims may need doing, (tight) ??
Thanks guys for reading.. if you got this far, any help THANKS!!