I test rode one yesterday in Portland. Now...it was onyl a 10 mile ride so my observations are limited but the first impression is ok.
Power is there...no doubt!
Theres more vibration than Id like while riding. I didnt feel it in the pegs more in the bars.
Shifting from 1-2 was not happening smoothly at first but a few stoplights into it it was happening smoothly. Shifting down was a bit clunky but nothing to worry about. No issues with any other shifts.

Handling is up in the air. Right now I can say I scraped pegs on the T-bird (my heels included) three times in 10 miles. We werent even going fast enough to warrant a good lean, just a couple right handers and a lefty. Anyone else experience this?
Weight...yeah its heavier. Just takes a bit more effort to push through the corners. I dont feel it handles as well as my America though but this is only based on a 10 mile ride on a heavier bike. Maybe if I coud ride one for say an hour or two Id feel different about it.

Its a good looking bike, seems to be built well but I dont know itll land in my stable.

One last thing...Im really accustomed to my America tank not being so wide. But since it seems as though ALL bikes now have these wide at the bottom tanks its almost not worth mentioning.
I guess one more...Soresn was right...to see the guages you have to look down and take your eyes off the road. Maybe not an issue but its still annoying.
OK...one more...though the T bird is SOO much better looking in person the only part of it that screams Triumph is that big P-twin. Otherwise...

Last edited by Zmilin; 08/09/2009 12:33 PM.