

If anybody here has ever seen the classic western, "The Oxbox Incident", then I'm guessin' if Kevin here were one of the posse, he wouldn't be siding with Henry Fonda's character when they took that vote about what their ideas of "Due Process" were.

(ya think I might be right here, folks???)

The Ox-bow Incident?

I don't think I saw the movie.
Of course I did read the novel by Walter Van Tilburg Clark.

An excellent argument for the rule of law and pointing out how emotions play such a huge role in mob mentality e.g., lynch mobs.
Of course there will always be morons who think they're justified in committing murder.
That pharmacist is no hero. He's a coward.
Besides, actions such as his do more harm to individual gun ownership rights than any politician could ever hope for.

And for the record Kevin; I am a gun owner who believes that any law abiding citizen has the right to posses firearms and the right to defend him/herself.

When the need for self defense no longer exists, such as the assailant being disarmed/disabled disheartened etc., and you then proceed to kill him anyway. That is, and should always be murder.

Contra todo mal, mezcal; contra todo bien, tambiƩn