

I TOO "love motorcycles almost as friggin' much as anything out there", and THAT'S WHY I frequent this website sooooo friggin' much...BUT, I DON'T and I NEVER HAVE felt like cops have "picked on poor little me all my life"...and sooooo, WHAT'S WITH THIS FRIGGIN' ATTITUDE, DUDE?????????

Consider yourself fortunate...

The already lopsided Barney Fife to Andy Taylor ratio is growing exponentially.

Well Leno, come to think of it I HAVE been pretty friggin' "fortunate" all of my life. Yep! However, what I've noticed in my 57 years on this planet is that people kind of make their OWN "luck" in this world. AND, this "luck" often comes from making intelligent CHOICES somewhere along the line.

And while I may have been somewhat "unfortunate" when it comes to having the ability to "soothe the psyche" of those who haven't been "fortunate" enough to have found that the "secret" of getting along with others(INCLUDING COPS) and then later want me to "support" them and their "misfortune" later on when they relate their plight to me...well, all I can say here is that I guess I wish more folks out there could be as "fortunate" as I've been.

(well, other than that personal "misfortune" I admitted to about being unable to "soothe the psyche" of those less fortunate than I am, of course)

Yep! This kind of reminds me of that "unfortunate" soul on that cool Panhead Chopper who a couple of months back tried to pass Eddy and I on a blind left bend on that mountain road while we were on our way to Jerome AZ. Yep! And if you recall Eddy's recounting of that incident, my first move after that "unfortunate" soul dropped that cool ol' bike of his right in front of my truck, was to get out of truck, walk to to him and "unfortunately" say to him..."WHAT THE H*LL WERE YOU THINKIN'???"

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)