Wellll, The Normans were actually descendants of the Vikings (Norman-Norseman). They just adopted the local Romance language of the northern coast of France before they decided that they would rather have that li'l ol' island.
I hope you know that this is startin' to sound like a abridged version of "Ivanhoe" here, don't cha dude???!!!(ya know it's always cooler to root for the Saxons, right?!) 
And regarding that "invulnerability comment earlier: I know for a fact that I was invulnerable when I was fifteen. The proof is typing this .
Now THERE'S a coincidence! I just happen to have a 12 year old sittin' right next to MY keyboard here right NOW!!!(two fingers of 12 y/o SCOTCH, that is of course) 
(I am, however, quite mortal these days )
Yep! You and me both! You and me both, ol' buddy!!!
(and seeing as how I've had this friggin' Cold, FLU, Chinese Crud, or whatever the heck it is in my LUNGS for a week and half now, that's ESPECIALLY how I've been feelin' lately, dude!!!!) 
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)