


It drives me crazy when these words are misused.
But, my mom was a school teacher(masters from Columbia),
and my grammer was always corrected.

Also, break and brake.
Hi Ian!
Uncle Charlie

When I went to school it was Grammar, or have you yanks altered it as in :-

Honour - honor
Colour - color
etc ??

Bill, my good man, by this time I would have hoped that most, if not all of our dear native english speaking "cousins" around the world who appear to still be "stuck" using that "superfluous U" in such words as "honor" and "color" would have realized by now that a certain american lexicographer of wide repute, who went by the name of Noah Webster(1758-1843), took it upon himself in his lifetime to revise the english language on the North American continent,(south of the 49th parallel of latitude ONLY of course, as those Canucks up there north of it have always seemed to wish to hang onto to those old "british cultural coattails" for some strange reason? ), AND in such a manner that said revisions would make the english language much more logical in everyday practice.

(ya know what I'm talkin' 'bout here, dude?!)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)