Why do people here always use absurd examples to try to make their point? It only weakens your argument, reduces the level of the discussion and tends to then degenerate into personal insults and the locking of a thread. If you are going to say something, do it intelligently and if you can't do that keep your yap shut so all doubt of being the fool is not removed.

Yeah, I am not one for tons of laws, loss of personal freedom. But apparently there are those of you that think you are above the norms and can drive a vehicle, even while chewing gum, talking on a cell phone, chowing on a burger and fries and reading a newspaper all while being a safe and responsible driver. Guess what? You can't! If "the man" says you cannot do this, OMG this is communism! How can you take away my personal freedoms! The audacity. Since our culture has seemed to latch onto the idea that constant communication with all in the world is the standard and any restriction thereof is a quashing of "my personal freedom", then something should be done within the culture to make people understand this is not the case. You have any other ideas to do it? Please propose them. Perhaps, crazy as this sounds, set the example yourself. Perhaps discuss this with the offspring you have had. But stop freaking threatening my life and property because you need to make sure that you need to get 2% instead of Vitamin D on the way home.

Ride On! Airguy -------------------- You gotta' be smart to be lazy(and get a job done)