talking on them is tooo distracting.
A person talking on a cell, hands free or not has been proven to be as incapacitated and unresponsive as a drunk driver. Bottom line? Speech Stops Thought . I am for banning ALL use of cell phones in or on moving vehicles. I love my cell phone, but I am not a slave to it, nor am I addicted to it. If mine rings, it always shows the number calling me. I will call that number when I stop, or I'll pull over and call if I think it may be important. I am not smart enough to talk on a cell phone and hurl a 2 ton vehicle down the road - and I am obviously a lot smarter than you. Talking to someone inside the vehicle with you is distracting, but your mind is still inside the vehicle. When you are talking to someone outside the vehicle, your mind is not behind the wheel. We ride motorcycles (well most of us). If you are a rider, you see it on a regular basis. I have a cager pull out in front of me 2 - 3 times a week. In almost all cases, a cell phone is glued to the driver's head. When I am being tailgated at speed, the idiot almost always has a phone stuck to their ear. Talking on a cell phone while driving is one of the most STUPID things a human can do. 
Ride Safe,
Triumph, it's how I live and what I ride.