I'll throw my 2 cents in. Quit using a full face helmet for two reasons in the 80's. First was the near miss I barely avoided when, at a stop light, I happened to look in the mirror and see a cadillac in a side power slide heading right for me. Never heard the dang thing. I was wearing a full face HJC. Had to Rock the throttle and bust the light. The caddie didn't stop until the middle of the intersection. Secondly, a helmet study in the 80's showed that full face helmets were breaking necks due to the way the neck strap was designed. It seemed that a direct hit on the chin caused the lower unit (with the neck strap) to break loose, bringing the strap across the larnynx and snapping the vertabrae at number 3 & 4. From then on I wore a 3/4 or 1/2, IF I wear a helmet at all. I'm sure they're designed better these days, but I've seen guys bite it at all speeds with and without cans on. Bottom line, when the reaper wants you, it's time. I too, drive a bike for the freedom of the breeze. I figure if I was to load up like some Arthurian knight, I might as well drive an F-250 (which I do on occassion, but not for fun). To each his own. OK, so maybe its a nickels worth.
Thats the way I see it as well. freedom of choice .....
"Proud to be an Infidel" ... "100% pure American Jingoist"