Well erle, seein' as how Mom ain't here right now, I'll attempt to answer that question for ya.

Yep! You'll still get buck-teeth alright!

Well, that is IF, as Mom said, you don't stop flipping open the face-shield, sticking your hand through the opening and quit sucking your thumb all the time!

(and let me tell somethin' here dude...THAT was a HECK of a lot harder to do back in those early "Bell Star" Helmet days, what with that itty-bitty little port-hole of a face opening those things had back then!...yep, these new full-face helmets today have come a long way since then in creating a whole new generation of riders with an major overbite problem!!!)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)