This is a great safety accessory that I just installed...I purchased this through and it was a fairly easy will time out or cancel your turn signals, has a 20 second or a 30 second time out you set with tiny little toggle switches on the unit...the first toggle switch is to turn on the running light option. And another option is to wire into the brake power out so that the turn signals will not time out while you sit at a stop will quit counting down as you have the brake applied and then resume the time out after starting off again or releasing the brake. And it also flashes all four now running lights four times as you apply the brakes...a great safety option, you can shut this option off if you don’t want it. first step for me was to remove the seat...this will give you access to the turn signal and brake wires that you will need if you want the running light and brake light option.
The stock flasher on my 2009 America is under the right side of the gas make sure where it was I just turned a signal on, and you can feel and hear the make it easier to remove the stock and place the new unit I removed the one bolt for the gas tank and was able to lift the tank up free and clear of the area where the flasher and now signal minder mounts. are two wires you will need to tag into the left and right turn use the running light option, and one wire you need to tag into the brake power wire...I followed the wiring harness that runs under the rear fender from the tail light and it comes out under the seat on the left side just peel back the protective cover on the harness and use the scotchloks that are supplied to tag into the Green/purple wire for the left turn signal...the Green/blue wire for the right turn signal(this will now make them running lights also) and a scotchlok on the blue wire for the brake option. works really nice and the bike is so much safer now with running lights, and you will never have to cancel you turn signal can also use your turn signals as four way flashers now...and the brake option flashing the lights as you apply your breaks just really brings attention to those behind you that you are stopping...I have seen motorcycles rearended as they come to a this option should be a great safety option.