Dwight, for me, those brackets of yours are the bees knees. But tell me, what did you do with your rear brake line where it would foul with the right hand bracket.
Harry, I'm not sure how the brake lines are routed on the later model BAs and Speedies, but on my 2002 BA there's plenty of room for the bracket, as the brake line sits outside at a diagonal above the bottom frame rail and the bracket by about half an inch, and doesn't seem to interfere at all.
But, now that I recall, I think I did have to slightly bend the line out by that amount in order to fit the bracket when I first mounted them about 4 or 5 years ago.
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)