Jack and Eddy...Here's the pics and the specs of the center peg brackets I promised....
(BTW...these were cut from 5/8in steel plate, not 3/4in as I misstated above)
This is the left-side bracket, but as I said above, the right-side is just a mirror-copy of the left one, except for the angle grind(shown below), which is required in order to keep it at a vertical angle and clear that thick area of frame once they're bolted onto the bike.
The dill holes are 1/2in, and the bolt size required in order to bolt the unit onto the bike is an SAE American 1/2in X 2 1/2in. (2 bolts, of course)
Have at it, my friends!!!
Last edited by Dwight; 09/02/20088:05 PM.
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)