I Will keep posting this because it makes it easier for people to read CAMPING COSTSCAMPING HERECamping prices will include, showers etc and is £7.00 per - person - per night non refundable. This also includes a nominal fee towards the plaques of £1.00.
I have booked 100 places so far which, up to now we have 68 people. Extra places are not a problem.
If you want to be included put your name in this thread below and I will put you down.You need to forward payment to me this year before hand otherwise you risk not being able to camp on the siteBREAKFASTBreakfast will be available this year from the campsite. This will be Egg, Bacon, Sausage and Black pudding in a "barm" (see term below) and a cup of tea/coffee. Please see myself or Margaret at the site in the afternoon.
You can send me a cheque to cover the costs of camping etc,
"Please make cheque payable to Mr R & Mrs M R Birch" PM me for my address details if you do not already have them.
Remember to put your Bonnevilleamerica name on the reverese so I can tick you off my listTHE RUN OUT - Saturday 10 am DisclaimerPLEASE NOTE THAT CHRIS AND I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ACCIDENTS THAT MAY OCCURE DURING THIS RIDE. TAKING PART IS YOUR OWN PERONAL DECISION AND YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK A run out has been planned by Chris (Oldgimmer) starting from the campsite and heading through
Kirby Stephen,
Barnard Castle then through to the
Tan Hill down into
Hawes using
Butter Tubs Pass through
Ingleton and then back to
DentPlastic coated hand outs will be available on Saturday morning (to take with you) which include a map and instructions. A safety sheet will also be included for you to read. A large map will be available to look at on the Friday afternoon and will be next to the BBQ for your perusal.
There maybe quite a few for the run out from RAT (Riders Association of Triumph) members who will join us just for the run..
Last years photos/Video can be seen here on Mark's (British Steel) Website made for
Dent 2009 Videos put together by Lowey..
This years plaques "Do you want one"
Attendees for the 2009 event,(17th & 18th July)UPDATED 17/04/09
Kev R + Linda & maybe Jo - (saturday)
NIbiker - (Friday and Saturday)
Beaneater - (Friday and Saturday)
Mal (not on site) - (Friday and Saturday)
birchr + Margaret - (Friday and Saturday)
Oldgimmer + Heather - Friday and Saturday)
Bonfire boy - (Friday & Saturday)
Ginas - (Friday and Saturday)
Biker Benny + Paula (Friday and Saturday)
Stretchermonkey + Sandra - (Friday & Saturday)
Boichat + Holly - (Friday & Saturday)
Dafydd - (Friday & Saturday)
Jane + Keith(Bandit) - (Friday & Saturday)
Glen - (Friday & Saturday)
Echoance + ??
Paul + Jahel - (Friday and Saturday)
British Steel - (Friday and Saturday)
Martin(British steel) - (Friday and Saturday)
Steve(British Steel) - (Friday and Saturday)
Richard (British Steel) - (Friday and Saturday)
Loulouis + Jenny (Saturday)
Bluenose + 3 (Saturday)
T_Twin + Wife - (Friday and Saturday)
Graham (Thruxton)
Dave (GSX1400)
Gameboy - (Friday & Saturday)
Lowey (if he's not working away) another cool video
Hedgehog - (Friday and Saturday)
PaulfromtheNorth - (Friday & Saturday)
Bigdoug + Wife (
George & Dragon Hotel)
Flyingrasb - (Friday & Saturday)
Chophead + Wife - (Friday & Saturday)
Warlock + Kirsty - (Friday & Saturday)
bonnieuser - (Friday & Saturday)
BorgCmyru -(waiting for news of op)
Babrat + 1 -(Friday & Saturday)
Geordie Wolf - (Friday & Saturday)
Jesterminute + Wife - (Friday & Saturday)
Big Al - (Friday & Saturday)
Pony - (Friday & Saturday)
Colin & Trish (Friday & Saturday) - (R3)
Dave + Mate (frends of mine) 500 Speed twin & Speedmaster - (Friday & Saturday)
Graham & Midge - (Friday & saturday) (R3)
Spider13 - (Friday & Saturday)
Rick(Spider13) - Friday & Saturday) (Thrux)
Ratman + Caroline - (
George & Dragon Hotel)(Friday & saturday) (R3)
Neil + Lynne - (
George & Dragon Hotel)(Friday & saturday) (R3)
Geoff + Lynne - (
George & Dragon Hotel)(Friday & saturday) (R3)
Brownie + Wife - (Friday & Saturday)
Lardie + 1 - (Friday & Saturday)
If you are new to the site and fancy turning up put your name below...
Money now being taken for camping, PM me for my addy Don't forget to checkout the
PATCH, BADGE threads by clicking the links
YOU WOULD BE CRAZY TO MISS THIS EVENT, INTRODUCE YOURSELF AND JOIN IN THE BIGGEST UK MEET OF TRIUMPH AMERICA/SPEEDMASTERSPlease forward your camping fees as early as possible, PM me for my address if you do not have it.If you have just bought your Triumph and are new to the site, put your name down and join us. We have meeting places for the ride down all over the UK.
You will not regret it. Please note, if you do not like camping, you can stop in the George and Dragon Public House to make sure you need to contact them
HERE Please still put your name in this thread so I know who will be attending
Let's all have a good weekend guys n girls.
PM me for address to forward camping fees, if you haven't already got it. Remembering to put your Bonnevilleamerica name on the reverse
LATEST NEWSHaving spoken to the landlord of the George and Dragon in Dent he is prepared to put the beer festival on for us for the weekend. He has also said he can arrange trips to the Dent Brewery on the Saturday at £5.00 per head. Last year we struggled to eat hence why the BBQ was on all the time. This year Gary (George & Dragon) has promised that food will be available. (
See menu above in this thread)
******************************************************************<<<<<HAVE YOU BOOKED YOUR PLACE YET, PUT YOUR NAME BELOW>>>>>****************************************************************** If you would like to be part of this meet, put your name below or PM me