Mr Man, how could you say such a thing. "Looks like a Road King" indeed.

Harley Davidson have invested many years perfecting the look of the Road King and you think Triumph can just come along and make a bike that "Looks like a Road King" in one go?

For instance, in the year two thousand and four Harley Davidson brought their combined design muscle to bare in perfecting the 05 FLHRCi Road King CLassic. They changed the headlight lens. It was a stunning upgrade that was as unexpected by the motorcycling press as it was welcomed by Harely fans (who could finally see on low beam). These are the kinds of exciting breakthrough design improvements that set Harley Davidson apart.

Wait until the Thunderbird bike is 12 years old and the tail light gets changed then Triumph can claim to be as innovative as HD.


PS any colour but red.

Last edited by Stueybond; 07/28/2008 12:01 AM.