Well because I like to be different, I am going to give it a thumbs up. Couple things I'm not really crazy about, upswept pipes, cuts down on saddlebag room and kinda makes it look a little more uh, sport bike like? Bobbed rear fender, mostly the same reason, never did like that look on just about anything, more of a "full coverage" kinda guy.

I'll definitely be wanting to check it out when it becomes a reality on salesroom floor. My biggest curiosity is whether or not it is a bigger bike... as in more leg room and area to stretch out on. If the specs end up being the same as the America or Speedmaster but just a bigger motor thrown in then I got no interest at all.

And finally, so I can offend many.... I gotta throw a big DUH!! out there. Putting up pictures of HD XAMUHWHATEVERS and YondaSawkiUki's in cruiser form and saying the new Triumph looks like them seems quite silly. It's a motorcycle, and a cruiser, uh yeah, they are all gonna be kinda similar in more ways than one,yes? Take all the plastic shrouded crotch rockets, about the only chance I have of telling any of them apart is by the paint, take the badgeing off and throw a custom paint job on there and I wouldn't have a clue what I was looking at. Had the pics of the new bike not had any badges on it or reference as to what it was and you were asked what you thought it was I'm guessing 90% of you would have said a Triumph. Basing this on one thing alone, the engine, it's a parallel twin. As soon as they throw a V-twin in there then I could have alot more sympathy for the "It looks like a _______" crowd.

Soapbox Steve out.

Steve (hewhoshallremainavatarless)