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Re: ARK Rally '08
arstaren #270051 10/26/2008 9:31 PM
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At least you caught my best side, the top of my helmet!

I have a better one of you that I will send to you, but it will have to wait until I can crop it since the other half of it has JCBullen in a full YAWN.

Thom I might be wrong, I sometimes am.
Re: ARK Rally '08
arstaren #270052 10/26/2008 11:21 PM
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Guys I had a blast!! What fun it was riding down those perfect roads in Arkansas.The weather going back to Oklahoma was great, we followed Dan most of the way then headed west down 412.
Was great to meet everyone and hopefully next year we can do this all over again!

Re: ARK Rally '08
ThomWill #270053 10/27/2008 8:43 AM
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Made it home in time to see the second half of the Chargers-Saints game in the UK. I missed the turnoff to HWY 7 and got stuck behind a bunch of campers almost the whole way back on 65. The temps going back were perfect for riding, though, so I guess complaints are just silliness. Can't say that for this morning, though. Cooooold!! What a beautiful weekend it was riding with a great bunch of guys on the twisty, turny byroads of NW Arkansas in the fall. If we ever stop again at the restaurant in Jasper, can some PLEASE remind me NOT to order anything with the chili on it?

Antone who wasn't there should seriously start considering making it next year. It really was a hoot!

Paul (PES) - AKA "Dog Magnet", THANKS for all the efforts you put into planning this and for making it a success!

Fast Eddy - Thanks to you for your contributions for the door prizes!

Dwight - You were talked about numerous times... (All in glowing terms, of course.)

Great meeting everyone, and I'm looking forward to doing this again next year - "Lord willing and if the creek don't rise."

JB "Long live the Duck Force!"
Re: ARK Rally '08
JCBullen #270054 10/27/2008 11:26 AM
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Fast Eddy - Thanks to you for your contributions for the door prizes!

+1! Thanks a bunch, eddy!!

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Re: ARK Rally '08
roadworthy #270055 10/27/2008 11:43 AM
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Fast Eddy - Thanks to you for your contributions for the door prizes!

+1! Thanks a bunch, eddy!!

+2 Thanks eddy, JCBullen, and roadworthy for the 'no doors' prizes and thank PES and Donny for organizing and leading the dash through the Ozarks. For those who weren't there.. those of us in the back of the pack did not carbon up our plugs putt putting along those nice crooked roads!

Long time observer of the human condition.
Re: ARK Rally '08
Thensley #270056 10/27/2008 12:32 PM
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Hats off to Paul and Donny for a very well planned event. It will be tough topping it next year, which I'm already looking forward to. I also would like to thank Eddy, John, and Dave for the "no door" prizes. Nice meeting and riding with you all.

Re: ARK Rally '08
clarkkent #270057 10/27/2008 3:00 PM
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I'm glad everyone had a great time. Maybe more folks can join us next year. I am thinking of changing my site name to "Mad Dog" since I almost wiped out 2 dogs. Does anyone in rural AR keep their dogs put up? Now excuse me while I write out a check for blowing through a stop sign in Noel Mo. pop. 1452. $107.50... ouch. That was one ugly lady cop. Maybe I should have offered to buy her dinner to get out of the ticket

"Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary" Author unknown
Re: ARK Rally '08
PES #270058 10/27/2008 3:24 PM
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In an earlier post, I warned about deer, perhaps I should have included dogs.

Didn't buy into the hype, you can keep the change.
Re: ARK Rally '08
PES #270059 10/27/2008 6:04 PM
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Hey Paul...consider Pom recomends them!

Re: ARK Rally '08
JCBullen #270060 10/28/2008 12:40 PM
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...Dwight - You were talked about numerous times... (All in glowing terms, of course.)

Hey JB!!! I think you might be confusin' the term "glowing" with the term "GlowERing" there, dude!

THIS is "glowering"---> ...and I'll betcha anything if MY NAME came up in conversation anytime at Paul's Rally, THAT was most likely the reaction among the attendees there, RIGHT???!!!

(and BTW Paul, good on ya for starting that rally!'s to many more...)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
Re: ARK Rally '08
Dwight #270061 10/28/2008 1:32 PM
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Nope, Dwight, I meant G-L-O-W-I-N-G. In CAPITAL letters, just to make it sound "Dwightish."

JB "Long live the Duck Force!"
Re: ARK Rally '08
JCBullen #270062 10/28/2008 5:22 PM
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Home safe after 7 days of riding. Thanks to PES and Donny and all for settng it up. Great meeting everyone and seeing the beautiful Ozarks.

Thom I might be wrong, I sometimes am.
Re: ARK Rally '08
ThomWill #270063 10/29/2008 2:04 PM
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Home yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon. Wow. I surfed a cold front the whole way home. After splitting from you Tom, I headed SouthEast to the Smoky Mountains. Stayed well East of Nashville on Sunday night, Cookeville, TN actually about a 100 miles West of Knoxville. I rolled a wee bit faster after 412 split from 62. Star Motel. American owned and real nice place. $28.00 plus tax. 31 bucks. dang.

Saddle up Monday morning and it is like 41 degrees. maybe. had to stay off the slabs due to wind chill. Rolled 30 miles or so on 70 into Crossville TN where I stopped to ask for directions to TN rt 68. A guy behind the counter says " you have more inkling than I" Seems that he and his wife ride. We talked, I thawed out and after a Virginia ham biscuit and a fillet biscuit and some java, I suited up and rode 68 to 411 to the dragon. Rode the Dragon. Then rolled 28 into the Highlands of North Carolina. Bridal Falls and all. Headed to Dilliard then rode GA 17 to Washington GA. An elderly black woman and I guess her middle aged son looks at me and ask, "Boy how longer you gonna be in the wind tonight?" Man i was touched. here these two folks said in one sentence what we all could talk for days about. Anyways the guy says it is going to freeze tonight. I said to Wren or Vidalia or at least to I-16 and head to Savannah. Watch out for them 4 leggers... I rolled to 16 then west to Savannah, pooler actually. Had to run in front of the artic air mass. I would say I have never been so cold but as it was my hands only I can't say that. Never got a shiver till I left That enchanted city of Savannah Tuesday Morning. ...
Back to the Rally...

Great Rally! Most excellent. I wish we had two days of riding. Of all the Rallies the Saturday AR 08 ride was the bestest yet. gosh. Great pace roads that inspired me to ride with Tom across the northern AR border. I hate the Ozarks.

Gotta save the words for a ride report.

P.S.: Every time i roll with Cinnamon Girl, she tosses something. This trip is was her right pipes heat shield. And rolling south from Savannah, the speedo.

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Re: ARK Rally '08
moe #270064 10/29/2008 2:13 PM
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Re: ARK Rally '08
moe #270065 10/29/2008 6:57 PM
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Out here on the west coast, word often is that there's parts of the Ozarks which may be, well, "a little behind the times"...but I had NO IDEA it was THIS MUCH "behind the times" back there!!!

(though I have to admit, it sure is pretty back there!...some nice pics there too, Moe!)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
Re: ARK Rally '08
Dwight #270066 10/29/2008 9:14 PM
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Those some big critters in them thar hills

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Re: ARK Rally '08
clarkkent #270067 10/30/2008 11:07 AM
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Kent, that bar I ate lunch at was Johnny Mac's Rockin Rooster at 5855 hwy 22 west
in Paris. $5.13 for a cup of java, a bbq pork sandwich, and a bag of chips.

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Re: ARK Rally '08
moe #270068 10/30/2008 12:11 PM
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Ride stats:

7 days
3074 miles
Total cost $645.18

Credit Card total 515.18:
Fuel 182.79
Lodgings 120.86
Meals 75.04
Booze 69.08
sundry 67.41

Cash spent $130

What it was worth $10,000,000,000,000,000,000.00

Blowing gravel off rural roads
Re: ARK Rally '08
moe #270069 10/30/2008 12:17 PM
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Kent, that bar I ate lunch at was Johnny Mac's Rockin Rooster at 5855 hwy 22 west
in Paris. $5.13 for a cup of java, a bbq pork sandwich, and a bag of chips.

Ah, Paris! Ala John Prine and Iris Dement...

By a fountain back in Rome I
fell in love with you
In a small cafe in Athens You
said you loved me too
And it was April in Paris
when I first held you
close to me
Rome, Georgia, Athens, Texas
And Paris, Tennessee

2004 Triumph Speedmaster (J Lo) 2006 Yamaha Stratoliner (Adele)
Re: ARK Rally '08
pipedr #270070 10/30/2008 2:20 PM
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Paris of 22 just north of Mt. Magazine.

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Re: ARK Rally '08
moe #270071 10/30/2008 6:05 PM
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Total cost $645.18

say what?


Credit Card total 515.18:
Fuel 182.79
Lodgings 120.86
Meals 75.04
Booze 69.08
sundry 67.41
Cash spent $130

must be that new math....

Stewart ....... "It's outside your field of expertise." "Poppycock normally is."
Re: ARK Rally '08
moe #270072 10/30/2008 6:46 PM
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Great pictures Moe! I was so suprised and delighted to see you there. You never let on that you were coming but I should have picked up on a few hints. I'm glad you kept ahead of the cold front and made it safely home. Funny you should mention two days of riding. I was thinking for next year we could start the rally on a Thursday and break Sunday, so we could ride Friday and Sat. Also today I heard about a place to stay near Eureka, run by the Episcopalian church that provides lodging for just a donation. A friend of mine and her husband stayed a night and donated $20. She said it was really nice also. I will get more information.

Dwight, that picture of Moe's with the large animal was actually one of the dogs I almost hit.

"Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary" Author unknown
Re: ARK Rally '08
PES #270073 10/30/2008 10:00 PM
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Dwight, that picture of Moe's with the large animal was actually one of the dogs I almost hit.

Let me guess he just popped out from behind a tree right, and you didnt see him till the last minute

You! Off My Planet!
Re: ARK Rally '08
moe #270074 10/30/2008 10:18 PM
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Kent, that bar I ate lunch at was Johnny Mac's Rockin Rooster at 5855 hwy 22 west
in Paris. $5.13 for a cup of java, a bbq pork sandwich, and a bag of chips.

Moe, The wife and I need to go try this place real soon, 5 bucks to eat good food is cheap. Drove by it this evening on my way home from work and I thought about how you said you stopped there on the way to the rally.

Thank you and Thom for the great pics you two posted.

Glad y'all made it home safe!

Last edited by clarkkent; 10/30/2008 11:39 PM.

Re: ARK Rally '08
roundy77 #270075 10/30/2008 10:34 PM
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Total cost $645.18


say what?


Credit Card total 515.18:
Fuel 182.79
Lodgings 120.86
Meals 75.04
Booze 69.08
sundry 67.41
Cash spent $130


must be that new math....

Stewart, the math is right, the cash is miscellaneous expenses and not broken down. Moe, must have looked at his credit card statement online. I guess that's how he knew the exact name and address of the bar here in Paris.

Re: ARK Rally '08
clarkkent #270076 10/31/2008 12:44 AM
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Dang, I cut off the first 2 lines! I just thought it was one cheap 7 day trip!

Glad to hear everyone had a good trip.

Stewart ....... "It's outside your field of expertise." "Poppycock normally is."
Re: ARK Rally '08
roundy77 #270077 10/31/2008 12:30 PM
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Thursday 3PM on AR23

Thursday night rain on Friday morning asphault.


The Crescent Hotel from afar.

Beaver Dam, on the White River in AR just outside Eureka Springs.

and fer deewight

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Re: ARK Rally '08
moe #270078 11/03/2008 5:07 PM
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Nice Moe. You ought to be a professional photographer.

"Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary" Author unknown
Re: ARK Rally '08
PES #270079 11/04/2008 9:32 PM
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Moe good picture of the Cresent Hotel, check out the history of the hotel. It's got ghost, I believe. I'm going back up their this week-end to check on those heated clothes, we never got around to see. And no I didn't go check on that scrambler at Clarksvill. I bought a Track-hoe to replace the back-hoe that burned up. My wife said no more toy's for a whild, but she did book another cruise for us in 2 week's. And I'm takeing her to OK. tomorrow to the slate's so I( may being going to Clarksvill in a week or two, to see that Triumph that might still be their.Rudy

Re: ARK Rally '08
majorruddell #270080 11/09/2008 11:31 PM
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If anyone else has some good pics from the rally, can you post them here or e-mail them to me?

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