Talked to the t-shirt lady today. Long sleeve shirts will be $16.50 and XXL and up will be a dollar more. Thanks to RobBA05 for sending me the art work from the NH Rally t-shirts.

They will be able to modify them for us. Participants need to start thinking about ordering and letting me know their sizes and how many. Hill has already started the ball rolling. Sorry they can only do one color and still give me a reasonable price. Since I'm doing the work, I'm picking the general color.

I'm going to go with Ice Grey, Heather Blue or Gray or Charcoal. If anyone has a preference within those colors let me know and I will try and get a consensus. If it gets too confusing I have the last say. No offense, but I get tired of big bad biker black. I can't wait until fall.

These 104 daily high temps are getting me down.