Do we have suggested hotel / motels yet? Just this close to booking... 
Looks like I have flight clearance from the boss for the rally.
I never got an e-mail back from Riders Rest Motel last Friday. I tried to call just now and the answering machine is on. I will keep trying this afternoon. Hill did a recon. trip last week when he was in the area and checked out some motels. He thought Ridersrest would be a good one. The problems is they are booked for Sept. 5-7th. Does anyone have a problem with changing the dates to Sept 12-14th or Sept. 26th-28th? It might be worth it to get this motel. If you all want to stick with the dates we have, Dan recommended 3 other motels Bavarian Inn www.eureka-net/bavarian; the 1876 INN and the Pide Piper all on the main road. Let me hear from you all about chaning the dates. 
"Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary" Author unknown