A while back I posted that I was having intermittent(sp)problem starting the bike and It appeared that I fixed it by cleaning my start button.
Very recently I have been having a similar problem and now I think it is either a new problem or I never fixed the original problem. I stalled the cold engine leaving the driveway this moring and again it wouldn't restart (bike in first gear, stand up, kill switch off, clutch lever fully pulled, starter button pushed and nothing then suddenly it cranked momentarily. What I did was unknowingly let the clutch lever partially loose. Each time I put the clutch lever to the half way in, half way out position, The bike would crank.
I guess I have an issue with the clutch switch.
I can't yet find in the T-Shop Manual where it tells you how to remove the switch. Does anyone have experience with this?
Thanks in advace,