I too like Triumph for the fact that they aren't a cliche' thing. All of the Japanese bikes of today are either HD wannabees or crotch rockets. I love the 70's Honda standards (CB series)In fact, I have a 1980 CB750 too. Besides the Rune (overpriced) , my last favorite Honda was the Nighthawk 750 (Circa 1997). And to be perfectly honest, I love the classic look of the T-100 the best of all Triumphs (orange on white). Problem is the seat is too narrow for my wide load. The only thing I really don't like about my SM is the lack of a decent buddy seat. (and the ignition switch location)...but the sound is the BEST!!!
Now I want to add a Meridian Triumph to be roomies in the garage with the CB and SM....just worried about the right-footshift (or is it the left foot brake) that would throw me off.