

Hey Dave and Ray, A guy named Jason at High Tech Signs in Rockwall, Texas did the reproduction. He had to locate the font and custom stretch the America part but it is a 100% match, took about three tries and three weeks but it turned out great. You can call him at....High Tech Signs - 481 E. I-30, Rockwall TX 75087, 972-771-5599.

Hi Tmax. Great looking paint job and I truly LOVE the sidecover decal. I've been wanting to have my side cover repainted from the stock black to Pacific Blue to match the rest of the bike. The decal you had made would be the finishing touch to that. Are you sure you don't mind some of us getting the decal? After all, you went through all the work to have it designed and I wouldn't want to use it if you would feel infringed on. But I really like it and would definetly like to get one. Let us know for sure if it's ok with you.

Thanks, Paw.

Oh My Goodness no! By all means please help yourself! Call those folks and see what they will do for you if they don't help you to your satisfaction contact me and I'll run up there and see what's going on! Now get excited and go paint that puppy! Let us all know how it turns out! T

"Will Ride or Fly for food"