i heard a beautiful quote from a gentleman this last weekend while i was in the dealer..."dress for the crash, not for the ride".
i have a 3/4 face shoei, but i just picked up a modular jarow while i was in the shop. the stats don't lie, so chances are good if you get hucked off the bike, you're likely to take a hit to the chin. so...while i am sure to wear the shoei, i'm going to wear the jarow as much as i can stand it (it's black, so i may not wear it when it gets to be around 100F. the shoei is white)
also, i think it is REALLY important that you be able to try the helmets on first, which is why i will probably not buy online (unless i've already tried the exact same model on). i have a pretty big bean, and helmet designs differ, so a lot of them end up rubbing my head pretty hard. i don't think i would be able to concentrate on the road as much as i should if the only thing i can think is "****** if this helmet doesn't hurt"
Last edited by timothydonohue; 07/29/2008 9:33 AM.