I've 40k miles now in a SHOEI RF-1000, and it being 4 years old now, I want a new one. And I want another one just like what I have (I can't see spending the extra dough for the graphics - mine is solid Black). I have not one time ever regretted having to put it on to ride, or ever considered not wearing it when I go to mount up. It completes the pre-ride check, and I would not ride as much if I did not have it. It makes me want to ride more, and has never made the ride feel too long becuase it was on my head.

It does not get much hotter anywhere than what I put up with here in SouthEast Texas, but I have never felt like the helmet made me hotter than I would have been without it. That may be a mental thing, but when it's 90+ degrees out, it's still 90+ degrees out - whether you're naked or not.

I never drive a car without my seatbelt on - I feel more secure in it. I never ride without my helmet, either, and the full-face offers a lot of benefits that a 1/2, a 3/4, or even a 3/4 with face shield can't begin to touch. It works as "system" to keep your head warm or cool, and the venting also serves to keep the shield clear in cooler weather, or even in the rain.

I can ride almost as hard and fast in the rain as I can when it's dry - but only becuase I wear a full-face helmet that affords me the protection and confidence to do so. I have to feel for the other bikers I see out in the rain in their 1/2 or 3/4 open-face helmets. If they are out in it at all, they aren't going anywhere fast, that's for sure. I would hate to have to be held up by a "buddy" who could not "keep up" due to his lack of protection from the elements. (I would hate to be the one holding up my "buddies" if I were the one not properly equipped.)

Buy one that fits properly - what ever you do. We all have different head-shapes, and certain helmets are better suited to certain shaped heads. If it is not comfortable, then you won't wear it (like a poor-fitting pair of shoes). Mine fits so well I am very hesitant to try any other - even another model SHOEI, like the Multi-Tec modular. A good idea, but I just don't know if it would fit the same way, or be as comfortable. I will probably try one on when I get ready to buy, but it will be a full-face or modular, for sure, and I won't risk saving a few bucks and chancing a cheaper helmet that I may not want to wear. SHOEI happened to me. I tried on a few different helmets at the dealer's, and when this one went on, I knew it was the one. I found it for less elsewhere, but knew it was the right one for me.

'04 Speedmaster
AI removed, Pingle, UNI Filter, 1 shim, straight-through slash-cut TORs, Stage 1 DynaJet, 140 mains, 3 turns, 16/42 final drive, 115K
2020 T120 Black