
Well when you lower the front the rear does change besides over the axle. The axle works like a fulcrum, so when the front goes down anything behind the rear axle comes up a little.

I'm surprised you don't scrape Paul, Wendy's scraped way too easily for me when I lowered front and rear. Now that just the rear is lowered 2" on a rare occasion if the road is crowned in a corner or going out of a steep driveway the tip of her pipes might scrape. With both ends lowered I was scraping the kickstand and front of the pipe as well as the rear.

You're absolutely right. A more appropriate statement would be that a 2" difference in shock length and a 2" difference in spring length does not yield a 2" drop in overall height as proven by our good friend Pythagoras. This concept is not lost on you. My bike doesn't scrape but I'm sure it's real close when I'm in the deep twisties. From what I hear I should consider my self lucky, Wendy may be a more aggressive rider then me. I guess if she were my girl, I'd be riding B**ch.
