Hey everyone,
With so many people coming on board, I thought I would put a post together on how to efficiently use the Search function (with pictures too!

At the top of every screen is the menu of options and the arrow points to the Search function. Click on that to get to Search.
Here are the options (refer to the picture below):
1. If you want to search in a particular forum for something, click on it here or leave it on 'All Forums' for the widest search
2. Enter what you are searching for (example here is whitewalls) and choose either radio button below it. Hint: Choosing 'in subject and body' will yield the most results.
3. If you know who posted what you are searching for, enter their username. If not, leave this field blank.
4. This is the most important one. The 'Newer than' field defaults to 1 so if you click search, you will not get any or very many results. I always change it to 104 (the maximum) for best results.
5. Depending on your screen resolution, either leave this at default or change it. I like 100 so I can see more. I don't mind scrolling!
(NOTE: the pic shows 26 weeks max which is old. It IS 104. I just didn't want to change the picture!)
More info:
Here's the advanced options for a search (not much but it's what we have):
Use +keyword for required keywords. Example: exhaust +pipe
Use -keyword to exclude posts with a keyword. Example: tire -avon
Use a combination of the +keyword & -keyword to refine search. Example: tire +metzler -avon
Use quotes around a phrase to search for a phrase. Example: "exhaust wrap"
Use spaces around the word to match the exact word. Example: " word "
More hints:
constrain your search to a particular forum instead of All Forums for a faster return
use the maximum date range