well there have been far to many to list here but it has been a very long time since any thoughts like that have entered the matter between the ears here. i was 16 and knew all about how to ride a motorcycle, (hahahahahaha yeah right) was at an outside concert at a place where there was many activities (horseback rideing, swimming, lotsa stuff to do) there was this big hill over there behind the bandstand that we used to ride over and get air. well. i had had a few to many cans of stupid with some of that southern bourbon mixed in and said to my friends (yeah right, friends hahahaha if they were friends they would have stopped me hahaha) i am gonna get on my bike and jump the hill, well away i went and boy oh boy did i get some air. they said i went higher then they had ever seen any of us go and when i landed i was at the bottom of the hill (usually we would get, at max, about halfway down the hill and land) but i was at the bottom and landed, i broke the frame of that bike where the backbone Y's off to the shocks and i went @$$ over teakettle untill i came to a stop (they said i looked like Kenevil at ceasers) and when i woke up all my friends (there's is that word again)were around, the music had stopped, and they (the people in charge) wanted to take me the hospital. of course i said no and insisted i was ok. my friends (hahahahaha) were all laughing and thought it was cool. for a few yrs i was king of the hill. to this day if i see anybody that was there, we have to laugh about the broken bike. i remember being in the air thinkin "i think i have gone to far, i should be landing, where the he!! is the groun"....thud. i think that is when my back trouble started hahahahahahaha

ENJOY!!!!! NEWT!!!!!