OK, New Years Eve 1985, the wife and I had a bunch of friends over the house. Everyones drinking and eating and having a great time. It's getting close to midnight so I pop open a bottle of Champagne and poor everyone a glass to toast in the new year. The ball drops and it's Happy New Years. I still had the bottle of Champagne in my hand and after I kiss the wife I decide to whip back the bottle of bubbly. Well let me tell you, that is the wrong thing to do. Once I put that bottle to my lips and whipped my head back I realized I was in trouble. Basically the champagne shot out my nose, mouth and I think even my ears. I ended up inhaling half the freaking bottle. The other half was all over everyone in living room. To this day my brother Rick reminds me of this brain cramp and says the look on my face the moment before the explosion was priceless.

Live Free or Die Velvet