OK, another one!

Not a drunken one, just stupid.
Back in the day, I was a Boy Scout. On one of the many camping trips, one of us had brought some .22 caliber ammo. We didn't have anything to shoot them with until I noticed the top part of a tent pole. You know, the kind with the crimped down end? Jammed that sucker into the fire and we had us a whiz-bang mortar!! So we are merrily dropping .22s into the 'barrel' and a second or so later, POW! off goes the round through the trees! How cool!!
Until the owner of said tent pole came back into the campsite, spotted his now deflated tent, and the spied the tent pole in the fire. He marches up, looks directly into the pole and exclaims "What are you doing with my tent pole?!?"..... right after we had dropped a round it!!!

Quick thinking and a hard shove saved him from getting a red dot on his forehead! We stopped after that.