1976 Vicinity of Yokota AB Japan. In those ancient of times myself and my mates spent most of our off duty time drinking and pursuing various forms of carousing.
One night outside of a small G.I. country western drinking establishment about ten minutes walk out the front gate of Yokota I became involved in a drunken bout of fisticuffs with a behemoth from the hydraulics section of the Field Maint Squadron. He was a huge specimen of an individual nick named statue body for his elaborate and storied musculature. He carried himself with great swagger and confidence in his physical prowess.
To make a long story short he came into the bar and he and myself and my buddies engaged in threatening drunken assortment of threats and counter threats which ended with me telling him to step outside.
The request to step outside was immediately accepted by statue body and as soon as got outside and squared off he hauls off with a powerful roundhouse which I in my drunken stupor managed to evade by ducking. I then struck one blow right to the bridge of statue bodies elegant shnozz and lo and behold the dynamics of my blow were as such to immediately break his nose in a nice spray of blood and pain. I won and we then left the vicinity as the bar owner had hailed the Japanese police.
We made it back to base without incident but it turned out that statue bodies friends had taken him to the base hospital to get his shcnozz reset. He of course told the hospital personnnel that he had beem most viciously assaulted without provocation.. The Air Police contacted my supervisor and I had to give myself up for possible assault and battery, I , of course, insisted it was a fair fight and I simply won. After the police talked to everyone else there that night they gave me the option of accepting a charge of assault or the option of simply taking the base level alcohol abuse program which consisted of watching a film on the evils of alcohol and counseling.
I took the alcohol abuse counseling. Even today I remember that single stroke to the schnozz of statue body.
I drank a little less often and with less vigor in the months that followed.
Statue body later was DEROSED early afer putting his fist through a reinforced barracks window. Turns out his drinking problem was worse than all of us put together.
Days of wasted yute.