Some sorrority formal dance at the beach Spring of Freshman year at UNC. Another couple (my friend and date), my girlfriend, and I all drive down in his Honda Coupe. I forget to pack a certain little package of rubber baby preventative devices. After 12 or so hours of drinking, I realize my mistake and decide to compound it by asking for my friend's keys. Nearing a coma, he thinks nothing of it and hands them over to me. Girlfriend and I start driving and I become lost after about 5 minutes. At this point, I make mistake number three, and decide that the only thing left to do, being drunk and lost, is to start doing my Dale Earnhardt impression.
A long story short, I get pulled by a country boy deputy sherriff in Surf City, NC doing 98+ in a 25, 35, and 45 zone (actually written on ticket). While being cuffed, I make mistake number 4 and start singing "Surf City" by Jan and Dean. I pass breathalizer somehow and still get DUI, still unexplainable to this day. Deputy, who is sweet on my very drunk girlfriend (a div. 1A college swimmer

), let's her drive us back to the hotel.
I lose my license for 3 years (one by state, two by Dad). I also spend 24 hours later that year in solitary in the Pender County, NC jail.
I go on to graduate with honors 3.5 years later.