OK..Mine..tequilla..trampoline..topless..enough said..
Mark's on the other hand..quite a different story.
We were up at Lake Yona on the GA/SC boarder last summer. Mark had downed at least a 12pk of liquid courage and we were jumping from the rope over the lake. Mark decides to attempt a drunken "gainer" (don't ask me what that is because I have yet to have seen it successfully performed). "Hey ya'll watch this" Grabs the rope and off he goes. He gets out there ok and then realizes he's coming back in faster than he'd realized.
Option 1: Let go in sideways position about 12-15 ft over water
Option 2: Smack into rock cliffs
That's a no-brainer...so into the water sideways he goes. Comes up gasping for air (lungs evacuated on impact)I in my infinite unsober wisdom yelling at him to breathe. Needless to say he was quickly sobered up and his whole side armpit to thigh was bruised for a week.
"Hey ya'll watch this" moments are abundant in our house.