Well gents, I have lmao for three pages now. Once I think I've found the best the next one has me in tears. I enjoyed some cold ones during and after the texas hold'em toury, but this stuff is a riot. At 52 I'd still be happy to throw down some with you if ever the chance came around but your stories remind of all my past sh..t and I'd make sure I was close to the hotel this time.

There was a time long time ago when I was real real green and on this merchant marine ship, a tanker, as a messman, and stopped in Coatzacolas (sp_) Mexico. I had to take a launch arcross the inlet to get to town. Ended up partying with these Norwegians till after midnight at a club. So we all had chicks from this club to go back with us, but the launches stopped at midnight. They had arranged with a launch to take us back but dipshit here didn't know it, and when I asked the price, well it was quite high and in my stupid "I'm a world traveller routine told the launch dude he was ripping us off, little did I know again that him taking chances breaking the law after curfew was great and should be compensated for such risk. So he turned the launch around and told the chicks to get off, and took me and those norwegians across the inlet back to our respective ships. Yikes, the looks on those big blonde boys faces could kill and I feel lucky to be alive cause I don't swim too well. God what an idiot I was. My ****** was puckered that whole trip across the inlet and down
that long long dock.
