I was just about Mark/Matt/Tom's age(in other words, I was but a poor lost young soul), and I was up skiing in the mountains with Ann, my live-in girlfriend.(you see, that's when this whole illicit cohabitation thing started to become all the rage back in the '70s, kids)

After skiing that day, Ann and I decided to go to the outdoor jacuzzi(yep! That's just about the time those things became all the rage too)

After sitting in the thing for about 45 minutes, consuming about 4 beers all the while, I mentioned to Ann that I was gettin' mighty heated(no, not THAT way...that was to come later), and she said, "Why don't you go dive in the snow over there and cool off then."(remember, the jacuzzi was outdoors)

Now, being a young man at the time, born and bred in Los Angeles(hasn't snowed here since 1959 or there abouts, ya know), I didn't know one was not supposed to dive head first into a snowbank because one never knows what is lying just beneath.

Well, there were concrete steps under that snow, with the whole upshot being I have a very nice 3 inch scar sittin' right above my hairline!(Yep! Shockingly, that hairline still hasn't receded up to that scar yet...nope, no Rogaine needed here, people)

Last edited by Dwight; 10/04/2007 1:10 AM.

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)