So there I Cuba (Gitmo), deployed for Operation Sea Signal. We'd work 9 days on and 3 days off - of course those 3 were usually spent plastered. For such a small base, it still has 5 bars. We were down by the docks, and I'd had enough tequila to pass the invincible stage, and got dared to "climb that there rope thingy".

Yup - "okay...WATCH THIS!!"

Well that "rope thingy" was a hawser securing a US Navy cruiser to the pier.
I took a flying leap off the dock and fortunately caught hold of the hawser...starting going up it hand over hand (suspended over some very deep and oilslicked harbour water), and got to the end. Clambered over the rail of the ship and announced my triumph loudly to the guys on the dock.
Of course this got the attention of some Marines guarding the ship who were entirely unamused by some drunk guy on board without authourization...they started to come for me, and I did another flying leap out over the water and went shimmying back down the hawse as fast as I could...down the gangplank came the Marines...the guys hauled my drunk a** off the line so we could take off running, with some VERY ****** off Marines in hot pursuit.
Extremely lucky to have escaped and evaded successfully, or we'd have all gotten beaten severely I'm sure.

SFC, US Army (Ret)