Drunk and driving with my buddy with me in my S-10 doin about 65 "hey watch this" I clicked my e-brake straight to the floor and the back tires squall. I swerve a bit to the right so the rear end would slide to the left and at that point jerked the wheel to the left. Unfortunately I didn't turn sharp enough and went sideways and backwards down the opposite lanes inbankment. There we were at the bottom of this huge ditch. I'm rockin her back and forth trying to get her unstuck. Pulled the e-brake release, and shifted from first to reverse not going anywhere. My buddy leans up to me and says "dude we're on our side." I was too drunk to realize it. I said "oh". The door on an s-10 is small, but heavy as I crawl out and called a tow truck. Had to use my center arm rest to crawl out. As my dad and the tow truck show up they start to roll it back over on its feet again. Every dent that popped out would be cheared about by me as my dad gave me a nice scalding eye. That truck went through crap.
More to come,
Last edited by cochran03; 10/03/2007 5:27 PM.