Gut Check on the 5
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Serves me right.. I hate riding LA freeways. I'm in the center lane doing about 65mph. I decided to work my way over to the exit lane to my offramp a little early since the freeway was a bit crowded. I hit my turn signal, did the right mirror check and the over the right shoulder check. An old white Oldsmobuick in the next lane was more than a safe distance behind so I started the lane change. All of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see nothing but white. The "lady" in the white car saw my turn signal and decided to accelerate by me before I could get in. I was close enough to her car to hit it with my knee. She honked and I swerved back into the original lane.. luckily no cars had moved in there. She drove on as if nothing had happened. I'm going to stay off the freeway for a while until I get my breath back.
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Wow...just wow. Glad your okay.
Neon Blue '05 SM
Where are the pedals on this thing?
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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That's why old school bikers carried ball peen hammers. Personally I never hit my signal until it's too late for the moron in the next lane to do that. My theory is that I'm telling them what I'm doing, not asking their permission.
We all like to think of ourselves as rugged individualists. But when push comes to shove most of us are sheep who do what we are told. Worst of all, a lot of us become unpaid agents of whoever is controlling the agenda by enforcing the current dogma on the few rugged individualists who actually exist.
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Just for you Chris, I'm gonna modify the lyrics of a certain Randy Newman song a bit here.....
Look at those mountains Look at those trees Look out for those idiots here They'll cut ya off at the knees
(hang in there, dude!)
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Worn Saddle
Worn Saddle
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Just my own personal, slightly sexist opinion here. The most dangerous person on the road today is a young, pretty girl in a newer car. After they cut you off and nearly kill you, they will glare at you on the way by as if to say," you almost made me kill you! (Apologies to the responsible ladies out there)
Fidelis et Fortis
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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I feel for ya man...I used to ride during rush hour in NYC every day (and am moving back in a few months). The only advice (which may be terrible advice...so take it for what it's worth) I give people for riding in town is to NEVER signal, ride quicker than traffic (to lessen the danger behind ya), and ride a bit more aggressively than you would out of urban areas. Your space is yours and do everything within your power to keep it that way.
But also make sure you can park your bike at the end of the day with the same amount of scratches & dents as were there in the morning before you left.
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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3/4 Throttle
3/4 Throttle
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What I normally do when changing lanes in a situation like this is open that throttle wide and aggressively make the change so I am out accelerating anything around me, work every time. Don’t give then a chance to sneak up on you
The invisible One
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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i'm with you on this one Mark!!! but the problem here is that he was doing 65  65 on cali highway is death. hahahaha i remember when i hit L.A. on Prudence, she didnt like runnin much more then 65 and i thought i was gonna die, people were honkin and wavein with the finger wave and cutting in front of me really close. then a guy on an old war bike pulled up next to me and told me to get on the line (thats when i learned about lane splitting) from what i remember 90mph was slow hahahahaha but your right, move over then signal, stay out in front as much as possible (notice in a car race, the winner wasnt involved in that accident, why?? because he was out front hahahaha) i think in this case i might of had to put my boot in her door and then faked injury like she had hit me???
ENJOY!!!!! NEWT!!!!!
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Oil Expert
Oil Expert
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I used to live in SoCal. The freeways sucked then, and they're even worse now. Say what you want about Argh-can-saw, but our roads are mostly uncongested and are (believe it or not) in good repair. We do have our own share of idiots on the road, however, and using the turn signal here is a sign of weakness for the toothless, inbred predators driving their bigass Billy-Bob trucks and SUV's... 
"Long live the Duck Force!"
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Yeah but JB...At least those "turn-signal challenged, toothless, inbred predator idiots in Argh-can-saw" can understand ENGLISH when you cuss 'em out back there!!!
(well, that is I suppose unless somebody like Mark, who after crossing your state line from Tennessee one day might get cut off by a Razorback fan and would probably start cussin' out those "inbreds" back there with that there "brit-talk" o' his...and then they'd probably be just as confused as all the Humbertos out here are in California when I give 'em a piece o' my mind!......so never mind.)
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Old Hand
Old Hand
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In LA, you only use the signals as a diversionary action. If you want to shift right, you put on the left signal to make the idiots think you are going the other way. Otherwise you are simply saying, "dare you to keep me out".
Let's hope there's intelligent life somewhere in space 'cause it's buggar all down here. -- Monte Python
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Man..Glad you managed to dodge that bullet. Dont know much about LA but on any of the slabs in CT if you are doing 65 expect to be run over.You can maintain 70-75 in the slow lane. But then ya got to watch out for the "weavers".
The percentage you're paying is too high-priced
While you're living beyond all your means
And the man in the suit has just bought a new car
From the profit he's made on your dreams
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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You can maintain 70-75 in the slow lane. But then ya got to watch out for the "weavers".
Hey Jackson..."the weavers"?! weren't they that folk music band that were around for years??? 
(hmmmm....and here they always seemed like such a pleasant group o' people who always sang about peace, love and togetherness....who knew they were such a menace out there, huh?!) 
Yep! We got our share of those folks out here too!
However, I still have to say after all these years growin' up here and all, that for the most part it still constantly amazes me that considering the enormous numbers of vehicles in this metropolis, the vast percentage of drivers here are courteous.....often clueless....but courteous.
Last edited by Dwight; 09/13/2007 8:43 PM.
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Best to avoid slab riding during rush hours. Around here it's really cut-throat. Everyone's tired, hungry, in a rush to or from happy hour and talking on the cell phone to boot. Ride safe guys.
Kevin - Luceo Non Uro
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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You can maintain 70-75 in the slow lane. But then ya got to watch out for the "weavers".
Hey Jackson..."the weavers"?! weren't they that folk music band that were around for years??? 
(hmmmm....and here they always seemed like such a pleasant group o' people who always sang about peace, love and togetherness....who knew they were such a menace out there, huh?!) 
Yep! We got our share of those folks out here too!
However, I still have to say after all these years growin' up here and all, that for the most part it still constantly amazes me that considering the enormous numbers of vehicles in this metropolis, the vast percentage of drivers here are courteous.....often clueless....but courteous.
Not sure about the Weavers..maybe I'll google it...
Courteous LA drivers? does that mean you guys have stopped shooting at each other?Or has gunfire caused people to think twice before raising the bird?
The percentage you're paying is too high-priced
While you're living beyond all your means
And the man in the suit has just bought a new car
From the profit he's made on your dreams
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Bar Shake
Bar Shake
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You can maintain 70-75 in the slow lane. But then ya got to watch out for the "weavers".
Hey Jackson..."the weavers"?! weren't they that folk music band that were around for years??? 
(hmmmm....and here they always seemed like such a pleasant group o' people who always sang about peace, love and togetherness....who knew they were such a menace out there, huh?!) 
That's just how Elmer Fudd says it.
(Friar John will get it )
Contra todo mal, mezcal; contra todo bien, también
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Learned Hand
Learned Hand
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Last month, I had a white knuckle ride from North Seattle down to Renton. It involved coming down I-5 South, crossing the 520 bridge and then hopping onto I-405 South. Anyone around here knows, in the mid-afternoon 405 south can be a real bear, especially at the I-90 junction. On I-405, I was trying to get over to the far left HOV lane. Traffic was crawling along and no-one would let me jump a lane. Saw the usual assortment of people yakking away on their cellphones, oblivious to their surroundings. But what got me was seeing some lady cruise by me, a yellow steno pad on her steering wheel and she was furiously writing away on it.  I made sure she was good and past me, before I got over a lane. Fortunately, someone in a Jeep SUV backed off and let me switch lanes. Real nice person, gave them a friendly wave later.
Blue/White 2007 TBA, Thruxton needles, Unifilter, AI removed, Polaris Bellmouth, Bubs, Nology Coils/wires, Lightbar, Ricor Intiminators, Hagon Nitros, Tall Sissy Bar w/luggage rack, Dart flyscreen & Lowers. 130 Mains, TrueGel Battery MG12-BS.
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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What I normally do when changing lanes in a situation like this is open that throttle wide and aggressively make the change so I am out accelerating anything around me, work every time. Don’t give then a chance to sneak up on you
I'm with you

...yes, that is a single seat...no, I will not put the other seat on...yes, I am selfish...yes, you should buy your own bike
 Re: Gut Check on the 5
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Just another reason I don't want to go to CA. The last time I was there I had difficulty finding enough air to breathe and vision was definitely impaired too. 
Yes! I am a Redneck. Any Problems?