‘I suggest warpage may be due to excessive humidity (FOG). Try a dryer climate...’

. Dryer climate? Ha ha, wot’s that then? Think our only hope this year is the Indian Summer… Think I’ll move to Bradford, they have an Indian Summer, autumn, winter and spring!
Could be driving habits I suppose but I don’t tend to ride aggressively as a rule, I prefer to cruise and admire the scenery. I try to brake with a good combination of gears/engine/brakes.

jj - ‘If you're riding keeps you in somewhat cold/wet, with a bit of aggressive riding thrown in...’

Try not to ride out too much in the cold/ wet but needs must, I’d not get out otherwise!. Unfortunately our climate seems to be on the whole rather damp!
Bike hasn’t had to cope with anything like your experience, I can understand the warpage in that extreme situation.

‘I wonder if other single-front rotor machines that get as much riding time have similar issues with stock parts that just aren't well known to us because we tend not to cross-communicate?’

Good point...be nice know how common a problem Triumph think it is with the America’s also. I’m hoping they’ll honour the replacement but I suppose it depends on whether they think and would admit that it’s an issue or whether they know it’s an issue and try and dodge it...I hope it’s not the latter.

Jake - I first noticed it about three weeks ago, mild ‘grabbing’ when coming to a stop. No pulsing in the lever and no problem at speed. Went out on a 200 mile round trip to Morcambe with the local RATs last Sunday and it started getting noticeably worse. There’s now the rocking horse and slight pulse thing going on. At dealers they measured disc run-out but not the thickness, it wasn’t badly warped but needs replacing. First MOT’s due next month so I’m keen to get it sorted before that. I asked mechanic about binding a possible cause, he said you always get a small amount of binding with these brakes hence the scraping you hear wheeling bike out the garage etc, shouldn’t normally be a worry.

Roadie – ‘Did I mention that this is the first bike I've ever had this problem with?’,‘wish I wasn't 5 hours away from a dealer!’. That’s a bad situation to be in, 5 hours..?! You could travel most the length of England in 5 hours! Must be very difficult to sort the warranty work out. I do hope they weren’t fobbing you off with the brake pads and you get sorted.

Adey, Fishercat and Greybeard – ‘They apparently had the bike on all sorts of jigs and rigs - tested forks, alignments, wheel trueness, hub trueness ... they supposidly had the wheel apart and tested the tollerence of EACH SPOKE!! - if you can believe that!!

Sounds like a ‘bench rest’ mate!

Who knows…? Maybe it’s a combination of things...my bet’s on disc quality. I hope Triumph sees it fit to grant another disc but if not I’ll probably be ordering some of Brent's, better quality disc/ pads and probably cheaper to import and fit... Mad init?!

Sometimes it takes a whole tank full of fuel before you think straight