Yeah it could be that, or it could be a piece of rubber tubing thats used as a coupling that clamps onto the carb and then around the diameter of the drain pipe. Thats whats boogie has. It sucks cause our carbs dont have a lot of space at the inlet collar..thats why theres alot of problems cause there only like a 1/4" inch lip to fit the coupling over and it seems like the more you tighten it the more it pushes/squeezes the tubing coupling off. Eventually I got it to fit on somewhat secure when i turned the horseshoe down a bit and made the filter sit lower next to the carb. This kept my leg from hitting it most of the time and it stayed on pretty good...but as soon as you'd grab it, it'd fall off a little too easy...i just didnt trust the whole set up, while i was driving down the road.